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Hello Detective,

We have received the following note and materials from a journalist named Francis - he said you'd know what to do.

Kind regards,

The Detective Society


Claire and I think we’ve found information that points towards who the intended target of the chemical weapon is. They intend to use it on the populace of the country which was responsible for writing ‘MOLVARIA IS CORRUPT’ on the only copy of the new Molvarian flag ahead of its unveiling in 1994.

If you can find out who wrote that on the flag, then we will know what country the Molvarian government are planning on targeting.

We’ve managed to collect together what information we can about the day’s events - below is a recording of a speech the Prime Minister gave at the flag’s unveiling, and a copy of the appointment diary belonging to the Minister who was responsible for looking after the flag.

Here is a link to an article recalling the day’s events:

Once you work out what country they are targeting, please let me know by emailing: [email protected]



Gorblinski Diary