Die deutsche Version des preisgekrönten immersiven Mystery Detektiv Spiels.
Dear Detectives,
It has now been nearly two years since we launched The Disappearance of Claire Makova, and we’re still delighted that people are playing and enjoying our games!
When we launched our first kickstarter we included a stretch goal to translate our games into several other languages – we hit that stretch goal thanks to all of you, and set off on our translation journey!
We are now delighted to announce that we’re commissioning another print run of the German version of The Disappearance of Claire Makova! Which we have exclusively launched on Kickstarter:
This is your opportunity to grab our award-winning first season in German. We’ve also added a special option to purchase episodes 2 – 6 if you only purchased episode 1 in German before and would like to complete the season!
We’d love you to back us so that we can continue to deliver our game worldwide.
All the best,
Joe, Tristan and Dan