New Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Hello Detectives!

Another day, another stretch goal smashed!

We’re pleased to say that – thanks to your stellar efforts – all backers will get a Kickstarter-exclusive pin badge when they receive their copies of Season Two Episode One.

So that means we need a new stretch goal, and this one is going to get your brains whirring. If we get to £60k we’ll include three additional puzzles – in addition to the two puzzles we included at the £20k mark. 

This means that between every episode of Season Two we will send out a bonus puzzle to keep you sharp.

Thank you for all your support so far, we can’t wait for you to start solving the Sudden Silence of Timothy Lee.

Until the next time, stay safe Detectives,

Joe, Tristan and Dan

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The Detective Society makes immersive tabletop adventure games. You become the Detective, exploring the evidence to solve the crime!